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Where To Find Dragon’s Gaze

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  • Where To Get Dragon’s Gaze
  • What Does Dragon’s Gaze Do

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has a lot of great features to discover. Players will have many amazing Vocations to try out and rank up in DD2. While unlocking all of these Vocations, you will get some really fun options — such as the Mystic Spearhand and the Magick Archer Vocations.


Dragon’s Dogma 2: Best Pawn Inclinations

Pawn Inclinations are actually an extremely important part of understanding your Pawn in DD2. Here’s how you can pick the best Inclination.

No matter which Vocation you choose, none of them are immune to the clutches of death, and you will need a Wakestone in order to be revived. This means it is always good to have at least one of these on hand when you need it, and that means making use of Dragon’s Gaze.

Where To Get Dragon’s Gaze

This is an item that can be found in many different parts of the game. This can be from exploring the world and also as a reward from simply progressing the game’s story so that you can undergo a specific side quest.

At Vernworth Castle

Head over to the Vernworth Castle during the day. If it is currently night, you will need to progress time. During the day, you will have no trouble moving around the castle. Head up to the 4th floor, and you will find a chest you can open that contains Dragon’s Gaze.

Nameless Village Quest

As you progress through the story of the game, you will meet Captain Brant. One of the side quests given by this NPC will take you to The Nameless Village. Completing this quest will reward you with the Dragon’s Gaze item.

Make sure to seek out and chat with the Thief-Maister while you’re here!

Pilgrim’s Inn – Flagship

This option will be late into the game once you have access to the Battahl region. After entering Bakbattahl, the capital of Battahl, seek out Pilgrim’s Inn – Flagship. Head to the top floor, and you will be able to get your hands on some Dragon’s Gaze.


Dragon’s Dogma 2: How To Solve The Sphinx’s Riddles

You’ll have to answer 10 riddles in order to claim all the prizes the Sphinx has to offer. Here are all the Sphinx riddle solutions in DD2.

What Does Dragon’s Gaze Do

Dragon's Dogma 2 Wakestone Shard 1

When you use this item in your inventory, it will mark nearby Wakestone Shards. Collect 4 of these shards to create a Wakestone. You will only need one Dragon’s Gaze as it can be used an infinite number of times. This means you can sell any others you find for profit.

If you are still early in the game, you may be interested in some of the best gear to get early on. There are also some other handy tips and tricks that will be a massive help.


More Games Should Take Note Of Dragon Dogma 2’s Pawn System

Pawns bring so much more to the table than an extra sword or bow.

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