Movie Reviews

Spider-Man: No Way Home Concept Trailer Reveals What Tom Holland's MCU Movie Could've Been Without The Multiverse


  • Spider-Man: No Way Home
    fan trailer shifts focus from the multiverse to Peter Parker’s conflict with the media and the authorities.
  • Peter Parker’s “public enemy” arc could have been more developed in
    Spider-Man: No Way Home
    if the film didn’t have a multiversal premise.
  • A more grounded story is still possible for Tom Holland’s Spider-Man, if not in
    Spider-Man 4
    , then in
    Spider-Man 5

Marvel fan crafts a thrilling Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer that removes every multiversal element from the MCU Phase 4 movie. After Spider-Man’s MCU debut in Captain America: Civil War and his two first solo adventures in Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Home, Spider-Man’s MCU journey reached a climactic point in Spider-Man: No Way Home, where Peter teamed up with two of his multiversal variants and fought their respective villains before Doctor Strange erased him from everyone’s memories in Spider-Man: No Way Home‘s bittersweet ending. Spider-Man: No Way Home‘s tonal departure from the previous two entries is evident.

On YouTube, editor Alesk Studios shares a fan-made trailer for a grounded version of Spider-Man : No Way Home. Doctor Strange, the multiversal Spider-Men, and their multiversal villains are all absent from the video, and the world’s negative reaction to Spider-Man’s identity reveal takes center stage. The fan-made trailer emphasizes J. Jonah Jameson’s antagonistic role and pits Spider-Man against the authorities and the media. Watch the full video below:

Why No Way Home’s Multiverse Story Prevented Exploring Peter’s Story As Much

Spider-Man’s Public Conflit Took A Backseat To The MCU Multiverse

Spider-Man: No Way Home successfully balances its grounded story with its multiversal nature. However, Peter Parker’s conflict with society isn’t as thoroughly developed in Spider-Man: No Way Home as it could have been with a more realistic premise. Had Peter’s legal issues received the amount of runtime that went into the multiverse, his inner struggles and character arc could have been more complex, and his “public enemy” storyline would have become a more important part of his overarching MCU journey. As it stands with Spider-Man: No Way Home, Peter barely experienced the public backlash from Mysterio’s footage directly.

Spider-Man’s secret identity reveal is the inciting incident that motivates Peter Parker to tinker with the multiverse, and the side effects of this mistake are what leads to Aunt May’s death, Peter’s need to distance himself from his loved ones, and his newfound financial struggles. Besides his decision to hire Matt Murdock as his lawyer and reach out to Doctor Strange for help, Peter never really had to face his original problem. If he had, he would likely have had to go through harder obstacles to clear his name, and he would likely have ended up in a more difficult position at the end.

As the Spider-Man: No Way Home fan-trailer shows, J. Jonah Jameson could have been a more dangerous enemy due to his insistence on labeling Spider-Man as a villain, and Peter’s loved ones could have doubted their support for Peter. Instead of extravagant supervillains from alternate timelines, Spider-Man could have fought the police and maybe some mercenaries sent to kill him or vilify him. This kind of grounded conflict might still be possible in a Spider-Man movie in the future — probably not in the possibly multiversal Spider-Man 4, but perhaps in a more realistic Spider-Man 5.

Source: Alesk Studios / YouTube

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