
Five questions not to ask a lady you are interested in

As a gentleman getting to know a lady you like and intend to be romantically involved with, there are specific questions: no matter the connection you think you may have built with this prospective partner over time, you should never ask her. 


This is because women are quite sensitive to words and actions, especially from someone they may be emotionally linked with or see a future with. Asking these questions listed below will either soil the already-built connection or kiss the growing relationship goodbye. 

Below are some questions to never ask a woman.

How old are you: Women are often susceptible and about their age and will lie about their age this is because women are judged more on their appearance versus their age than a man would be. 

Most women won’t even engage in conversation when questioned and will evade the subject. They’ll get offended if you ask her age, so I’d say it’s an off-limits subject early on.

When a man used to ask me about my age, I would smile and be coy and say, “It’s not polite to ask a lady her age.”  This practice goes back to early etiquette days,  long before online dating became part of everyday life for singles. Even my grandmother wouldn’t reveal her true age when asked.

How many guys did you have before me? First off, it is a big red flag for someone to ask anyone that question. Because it is not only offensive but also instrive, once you ask a woman that question, she will definitely see you as a big red flag and turn down any request of friendship you bring to the table. What you should do is to make a girl feel very comfortable with you first; if she likes you, she will tell you everything herself including the man she has been with in the past.

Lend me money: Gender equality in the 21st century is certainly a good thing, and splitting a meal of KFC fried chicken with Ice cream into two is a hymnical business. But if you do not have enough money to take a girl somewhere nice, do not rush to the girl and ask her to lend you money, especially now that the economy is in shambles. You’d either ignored or ghosted. So don’t do it.

What are you wearing? I know the feeling of meeting someone and wanting to get your freak on with them immediately, but don’t do it. Please do not ask a girl what she’s wearing, especially when having a late night convo with her. You are not her partner yet, so keep freaky thoughts away until you have solidified your relationship with her 

How much do you weigh? lately, a lot of women, particularly Nigerian women, are very receptive when it comes to their weight. From the question of their weight, girls can start shooting lasers out of their eyes, so it’s better just to compliment her body without asking her how much she weight.


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