Moana 2's Demigod Twist Sets Up A Sad Reality For Moana

Moana 2 picks up the story of Moana several years after her first adventure with Maui, and after the sequel’s shocking twist ending of the box office smash, Moana is on an unfortunate path to a sad reality in the future. The latest hit from Disney Animation Studios has destroyed multiple box office records despite a critical reception that falls well short of the original. The story follows Moana and Maui as they venture across the sea once again, this time in an effort to ultimately unite all the people of the ocean.

As Moana 2 careens towards the $1 billion mark and a third entry in the franchise, it’s worth revisiting where the story left all of its primary characters, especially Moana herself. Moana underwent a major change at the movie’s conclusion, which certainly left her better-armed to deal with threats like the villainous and ultra-powerful Nalo (Tofiga Fepulea’i), who will almost certainly return after Moana 2‘s post-credits scene. However, that change puts her on a path that unfortunately might end in a truly sad existence for the wayfinder.


Is Maui Related To Moana? A Moana 2 Moment Suggests So

A pivotal scene in Moana 2 could suggest that Maui and Moana are related, tying the two popular characters together in a deeper way moving forward.

Moana Becoming A Demigod Means She’ll Outlive All Her Family & Friends

Moana Will Likely Live Many Centuries As An Immortal DemigodMoana floating underwater, facing a whale in Moana 2

At the end of Moana 2, Moana and Maui do battle against Nalo, a terrifying storm god who draws power by severing the connection between the people of the ocean. Moana is struck down in the process of trying to reach the island of Motufetu, and technically, she dies after being struck by Nalo’s lightning. However, Moana is restored to life by the combined powers of her ancestors and the ocean itself, and in the process appears to transform into a demigod like Maui. She gains tattoos like Maui, and her oar takes on similar magical qualities as his fishhook.

Moana Franchise – Key Details


Release Date


Box Office Gross

RT Tomatometer Score

RT Popcornmeter Score



$150-$175 million

$687.2 million



Moana 2


$150 million

$600 million (and counting)



If she gains all the same powers as Maui as a demigod, then she will almost certainly be granted the same level of immortality, meaning she will outlive all of her family and friends. While Maui was cast into the sea by his family at a young age and therefore had nobody close to outlive, Moana has a network of family and friends, all of whom she will live to see die. It’s possible that Moana’s powers don’t include immortality, but at first glance she appears to have gained comparable powers to Maui, minus the shapeshifting.

Moana 2’s New Characters Makes Moana’s Demigod Reality Even Sadder

She’ll Outlive All Her New Friends And Younger Sister

The most memorable new character introduced in Moana 2 is her little sister, Simea (Khaleesi Lambert-Tsuda). The adorable young girl is the person Moana is closest to on Motonui, and while she’s too young to come on the grand adventure to Motufetu with her, she is Moana’s anchor on her home island. Moana 2 also introduces a close group of friends for Moana, and while they are certainly not as important as her little sister, it’s clear how beloved Moana is on her island, and how important everyone there is to her as well.

Moana 2
began in development as a limited streaming series intended for release on Disney+, but it was ultimately reworked into a feature-length theatrical sequel to the original by February 2024.

If she is in fact a demigod blessed (or cursed) with immortality, then the introduction of those characters just makes her future even sadder. Moana is destined to do great things on the ocean as the catalyst for connection between all peoples, but that could wind up a never-ending responsibility. It’s possible that once she defeats Nalo, the entity responsible for humanity’s separation, she will be stripped of her powers (as Maui was in Moana 2) because she no longer needs them. However, until that time, she is on a path to a truly sad reality as a demigod.