Silo: What It Means To Be Someone's Shadow

Shadows are mentioned throughout Silo, and although most of what it means to be someone’s shadow is fairly obvious, other elements of the position can be a little trickier to pick out. Various members of the Silo cast are confirmed to be other characters’ shadows, so it’s important to understand just what the title entails. Otherwise, some storylines in the show don’t make complete sense.

Silo quickly became one of the best sci-fi shows on Apple TV+ when it debuted in 2023. The ending of Silo season 1 immediately left audiences wanting more from the dystopian universe. The show is an adaptation of Hugh Howey’s book series, and although some aspects have been altered, most details have remained the same – including the concept of what it means to be someone’s shadow.

Shadows Are Meant To Learn Their Mentors’ Job & Role In Silo

Silo characters need to train their own replacements

Shadows are a relatively simple concept. Although some aspects of Silo life can seem a little unusual, the characters making sure they have someone to essentially serve as their student is imperative, and very grounded in reality. The eventual goal is to have a shadow take over from their mentor, inheriting the responsibilities of a certain position within the Silo. Shadowing the head of a department is an especially sought-after role, which means the character hiring a shadow needs to be incredibly selective and sure the incoming individual is suitable.


What The Mines Are In Silo & What Is Being Mined

The mines in Silo are often only mentioned in hushed tones and loaded threats, but the show does quietly reveal some information about them.

Shadows don’t always end up taking over from their mentors, as things can go wrong. For example, Rebecca Ferguson’s Juliette Nichols was shadowing the head of Mechanical, Shane McRae’s Knox, in Silo season 1. So, the intent was for Juliette to one day be the head of Mechanical, but that plan was scuppered by the twist of Juliette being made the Sheriff of Silo 18 in the wake of the death of Holston Becker (David Oyelowo). In such instances, a new shadow needs to be selected, so the Silo can continue to operate going forward. Essentially, it’s all futureproofing.

How Shadows Are Selected In Silo

Shadows are chosen by the person who will eventually be replaced

Bernard in Silo with Sims out of focus in the background

Shadows are generally selected by the person who will eventually be supplanted. Because each position in the Silo requires a specialized skill set, it takes someone from that department to know what it takes to be trained so they can lead someday. Competition can sometimes be fierce, but shadows and shadow prospects do have a say in the matter. While no one can assign themselves to be someone else’s shadow in Silo, there are examples of characters turning down the opportunity, or walking away from being a shadow after training has begun.