Outlander Season 7, Episode 15 Review: The Penultimate Episode's Impressive Reveal Left Me Speechless (& More Excited Than Ever)

Warning: This review contains spoilers for Outlander Season 7, Episode 15

Outlander season 7, episode 15, “Written In My Own Heart’s Blood,” delivers on the fast-paced promise of season 7 and races forward without giving us a moment to catch our breath. The episode shares its title with Diana Gabaldon’s eighth book in the Outlander series, and by the final moments of the story, the meaning becomes all too clear. Outlander season 7, episode 14 paved the way for the Battle of Monmouthโ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹, which takes center stage in episode 15, pushing the characters to their limits and providing enough excitement to last a lifetime.

Jamie and Claire take center stage in the episode, with enough tender moments and loaded glances to remind us of when Jamie first took up arms in an epic battle. Though there’s no question the plot is action-packed, little is seen of the actual Battle of Monmouth and Jamie’s bravery in the fight. However, this isn’t a big letdown since Outlander might be saving its battle sequence for the final installment. After so many years of showcasing the heat of war, we are well aware of how these types of conflicts shake out.

Jamie & Claire Are As Stubborn As Ever In “Written In My Own Heart’s Blood”

Their Dedication To Each Other & Their Causes Is What Fuels Them Through These Troubling Times

“Written In My Own Heart’s Blood” is one of the few episodes this season that has touched upon every single storyline, even if some are only briefly examined. However, it’s gratifying to see Jamie and Claire get the most screen time and have some quiet emotional moments before the heat of battle takes over. Though their ultimate duty is to each other, witnessing them take up arms and be so calm in the face of battle and injury is a full-circle moment for them, as the whole episode is a reminder of how far they’ve come since Outlander‘s start.

The way personal connections and familial obligations disrupt one’s ideals and patriotism plays a significant role in the penultimate episode. It’s not just Jamie and Claire; every character grapples with how they can justify sticking so closely to one set of morals while acting differently to protect those they care about. Throughout the season, Rachel struggles to find a balance between her pacifist beliefs and her loyalty to the cause of the Revolution, as well as her relationship with Ian. This internal battle is representative of the bigger questions Outlander poses.

One thing that Outlander has always been good about is ensuring that the female characters don’t fall away during these battle episodes and lose their agency.

Outlander season 7 has been resolving issues and storylines as soon as they appear, so I’m hoping the series will draw out some of the surprising twists in the episode. While it’s agony to wonder about the fates of these beloved characters, it creates an irresistible tension that will make the final episode all the more satisfying. For the past few episodes, Outlander has been teasing that something big is coming, and “Written In My Own Heart’s Blood” provides this dramatic turn. Now, the show needs to trust that we can handle a little stress as the season concludes.


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One thing that Outlander has always been good at is ensuring the female characters don’t fall away during these battle episodes and lose their agency. Rachel and Claire are on the front lines of the medical side of things and Claire has come too far to be pushed around by anyone. Beyond the Revolutionary War, Roger and Bree remain separated, and the question of how they’ll find each other across time remains pressing. It will be interesting to see how Outlander ties their narrative into the war raging in the 1700s.

“Written In My Own Heart’s Blood” Third-Act Twist Left Me Speechless

Outlander Has A Few More Surprises In Store For Us

If the twist of the episode is what Outlander had in store, this only makes me more excited for the final installment, “A Hundred Thousand Angels.” I had some suspicions about what the series had been hiding for the past few episodes, but I was still speechless when the reveal finally happened. While every big event is polarizing, I have no doubt that Outlander fans will understand why the story takes the turn it does and appreciate the way the main characters react to it.

My only concern about Outlander season 7’s finale is that the show is leaving behind just as many unresolved storylines as when it began. Though a lot has happened since the season premiered, most of the characters still have to make big decisions and face up to the kind of people they want to be. While it was inevitable, there’s little question that season 7 will be leaving us with even more questions and cliffhangers to be resolved in season 8, so it’s good the wait for next season won’t be as long.

Outlander season 7, part 2 airs weekly on Fridays at 8 PM EST on Starz.

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  • Claire and Jamie have the most screen time.
  • The third-act twist is shocking.

  • There are a lot of unfinished storylines to resolve.
  • The audience doesn?t see much of the battle.